Chapter 8

I went home and cleaned myself up, cursing at myself the whole way home. I couldn't believe they played me. I thought I was invincible and that's two mother fuckers who herbed me in the last couple of days. I got scooped up for stupid shit in school and now this? From here on out I got to have a crew - a click to always be together. A wall, a barrier. I wasn't going to get bitched again. Got to learns from your mistakes and keep your eyes open. Money scattered across my bed with 20 sacks of weed everywhere. I sure came a long way in the last few weeks but I have a long way to go before I am where I need to be at. With that thought in my head I heard the doorbell ring and I went to go see who it is. I walked over and looked through the peep-hole. Now I am not very good with faces. I’m a burn out. But this mother fucker, I remembered because he was so fucking doofey and thinking about beating him made me smile. Then my smile disappeared. When I remembered the last time I saw dude and what happened.

It was Lou from Ohio Banging on My Mother Fucking front Door!

Can you imagine what kind of bad luck I was having! FUCK! I ran back into my room and called Rocco's beeper number off the card and punched in my house number followed by 911 911 911 and Rizzi called me back in 30 seconds flat and was outside my house with a rusty machete over his head 45 seconds after that. He didn't waste any time at all. He swung it right at this guy Lou's shoulder as he pierced the skin something hit the ground with a loud clanking sound. It took me a second...

"A GUN" I screamed,

"He has a fucking gun"

Rizzi was screaming like he was Tarzan on crack, you know like

“Ahahhhhhhaaaaaaaahhaha ahaha ahhhhhhahh ahahaa”

Lou grabbed the piece off the floor and ran off with this machete still stuck in his arm. He got into a car across the street trailing blood and we never saw him again. He chucked the machete out of the window. Me and Rizzi looked at each other and then he turned around and went back inside. Blood everywhere, and a machete on the floor. It’s just another normal afternoon in Sheepshead Bay. Actually I never saw Rizzi again either. Rizzi didn't just look like Tarzan on crack he was Rizzi on crack. He apparently robbed his ex-wife's sister's house of over $50,000 in jewelry and bought crack and smoked it up in his crib lying low when I beeped Rocco. Rocco was lying unconscious on Rizzi's floor over some twenty dollar discrepancy. The pigs had Rizzi's house surrounded by the swat team, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks - you name it they were there. You can only imagine he didn't go out without a fight and he threw a grenade at the cops. It blew up and killed 3 cops and a civilian with a dog.

Yeah I felt bad for the dog too. A hand full of other people got hurt from the shrapnel. And then there was another loud boom and the house came down into a pile of rubble. Riz loved the booby traps...I wish it didn't happen this way but hey what can you do? You can't change the past, you got to roll with the punches. I called D and KE and we went by the park to see if now that the big guy was gone. What we could do. I was still sitting on a lot of work from Rizzi and if I can get it back on the street to make some money why the fuck shouldn't I? We ran into Seth, Bird, Gundy and a couple of other regulars.

Regular potheads that is. I rolled up and started passing the shit around telling everyone the war stories. No one could believe that RIZZI was gone. I gave out eight ounces on the arm for $150.00 each to some school kids and some neighborhood kids. Everyone was going to come out to this outlaw party in Williamsburg with us. I figured if we go out there with a mob, we can bless the place lovely like. Let everybody get some money.

I needed to chill for a bit and decided to head out to Canarsie blaze with some heads out there. I met up with JL his sidekick Flick, Inna and Anna. Anna was hot and used to be with JL and Inna was a serious pothead. We all chilled here and there blazing during school and scaming. I walked into their corner store and waxed a 22 of old E. Don’t get me wrong I had $2.50 but everyone was all like oooh that was slick. Until I dropped it on the floor trying to balance it on one finger and it smashed. With everyone laughing what was I going to do?

I went back in and made with the slight of hand again and stepped over the broken bottle and was out. The store keeper looked puzzled. We were going to chill in some chicks house that Anna knew. We got to her house, this little mousey girl and started blazing. One blunt two blunts three… Nice cipher and then we were out. The girls snatched crazy shit from the girls house. I mean jewelry, pills and the whole nine – not the kids I want to be chilling with. So on my way back to the hood I pulled the trees I snatched up my sleeve from the last roll up and rolled a white owl on my way home.

Loving life, Doug and I went to the city to chill in Washington Square Park. I saw this girl from across the fountain and told Doug I'm going to make her my girlfriend. He laughed and said that's the same game you been spitting since day one. I have heard you say that 50 times in the last year. But she was just so different looking, almost mesmerizing; there was just something about her.
I took off after her and gave her an RTL promo flyer and asked her about the foundation party tonight. She said she was going to meet a few girls over on the other side of the park and maybe go get a bag of weed and smoke.

“I got you guys covered lets go grab your friends and I got a friend and we can all be friends.”

She smiled and introduced herself to me. Her name was Jennifer Bane. She was pretty and had some great friends. 16 years old and went to Saint something or other...

Ah that's why I liked the fucking uniform. Fucking A! I guess I should say thanks to the Catholic School Board for picking them tight, short, plaid skirts.
Too bad she was very empty. I knew it right away, but I was enjoying chilling with her friends Liz, Zoë and some other chick. We blazed, they blazed, and we all got wacked. I invited them to my birthday party and then I realized - I guess I was having a birthday party. Jen said she was going away with her parents to Fire Island. But they would be back the day of the party so she would see me there. Zoë said she would come and bring some other friends as well. It was weird because I kept thinking of Jen the whole time she was away… A kid just wants what he can't have, so while she is away she is so tantalizing and what I want the most. While Jen was away the other girls called for some smoke and trips here and there but we didn't chill. I was looking to hit Jen, period. I didn't want to fuck that up and there are plenty of other biddies on the scene.

Ah, the day of the Foundation party. I was going no matter what. It looked like no one could go with me so I wound up taking Andrew at least he looked like he was older. He was taller than Doug by at least 4 inches and Doug was almost 6 feet tall. The location was announced 1 hour before the party on the hotline - a 3 story house in Red Hook. Not the greatest neighborhood but I didn’t care and I didn't tell Andrew it was a bad neighborhood. So we were all good. We walked in, paid our 10 at the door to Heather Heart and Andrew bought a copy of her new tape. We mingled a little and I was offered pure MDMA powder... Not pills but straight up white powder in a little coke bag. The rest of that night was crazy and all a blur. Thinking back on more than a decade later. Andrew bought and sniffed his before he saw me throw all my powder in my drink. He was gagging on the drips and it was pretty funny because he had a big smile on his face the whole time. I just drank my special drink and started smiling myself. I think we met some really cool people but I can't be sure... It was a happy high not like them Brooklyn bombs aka herion. They were the moons but with yellow spots – everyone said that the spots was the herion but who the fuck knows. This MDMA was so clean it had me on cloud nine. I went back and copped 10 more for $200. I was thinking ahead.

Potato had a party the next night that he was calling his e party. His mom was going out of town and he wanted to plow his 15 year old girlfriend for the first time. John was 16 so it was still ok. Chill. I got $50 on a piece for the MDMA caps and g’ed off lovely. That grand bought me a book of cid that brought me much joy. I loved that yellow sunshine. But back to Potato. I got there and put the kiddies on to their snacks stuck around to puff a blunt and got to see a little action. Potato lived with him mom and sister in an apartment above a house. The house belonged to this gangsta of sorts. He was the guy on this block that sold fireworks but he had 20 years on Rizzi easy. No one was ever really scared of him. It was big Mizzah, Potato, a couple of guys whose names escape me and the 3 bitches. We were blazing out and he started banging on the door.

Everyone freaked out cause they were holding and they thought it was the cops. It was big Frankey from upstairs come to see what we were doing. I didn’t really see what happened but it ended with dude falling down the stairs, us all bolting the fuck out and Potato getting evicted. But thems the breaks at least the kid got laid that night!

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